Lemon Curd4.85 from 13 votes 15 minutes minutesHow to make lemon curd, plus lots of extra tips and tricks to get it just perfect.
Microwave Lemon Curd5 from 1 vote 15 minutes minutesHow to made delicious, smooth lemon curd in the microwave.
Homemade Strawberry Jam4.75 from 16 votes 15 minutes minutesCooling & setting 1 hour hourEasy to make, homemade strawberry jam with extra tips for using frozen strawberries, what to do if you don’t have a sugar thermometer and what to do if your jam doesn’t set.
Quick and Easy Homemade Butter4.88 from 8 votes 5 minutes minutesMaking homemade butter is quick, easy and fun. This simple recipe will have you making your own in minutes.